8th ISFRS 2019
Zurich/Switzerland, June 17 - 20, 2019
The 8th International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure - ISFRS 2019 will take place during June 17 - 20, 2019 in Zurich/Switzerland.
Download Download the Program (PDF, 2.4 MB)
Web-App: external page https://www.rheology.org/isfrs2019/
Last Minute Changes
Talk Replacements
- Tuesday 11:40, F3: “Microrheology as a tool for the gel-point determination in food industry” is replaced by “Structural relaxation times and solids-temperature-water content-time relationships characterisation of food solids” and presented by Yrjö Roos
- Wednesday 15:40, F3: “Determining the rheology of fluids for dysphagia treatment in the field” is replaced by “Injectable biocompatible hydrogels from cellulose nanocrystals for locally targeted sustained drug release” and presented by Pascal Bertsch.
- Thursday 11:40, F3: “Structural transitions of wheat gluten protein dispersions at high pressure and temperature” is replaced by “Oral processing and chewing mechanisms investigated using ultra-fast X-Ray tomography for two soft cereal products in the elderly“ and presented by Melissa Assad-Bustillos.
Poster Cancelation
- Posters 26 and 31 are cancelled.
Poster Replacement
- Poster 74: “Molecular understanding of TAG derivatives organization in oleogels” is replaced by “Food oral processing and chewing mechanisms in the elderly applied to the development of soft cereal foods fortified with proteins“ and presented by Melissa Assad-Bustillos.
Conference Banquet (June 19, 2019)
The conference banquett will be at Fork & Bottle in Zurich Brunau. Bar opens at around 18:30 and food will be served from 19:30. Download Directions can be found here (PDF, 233 KB). Tickets for public transport can be picked up at the registration desk from Tuesday afternoon.
Get Together on Sunday (June 16, 2019)
The Get Together including registration will take place on Sunday, June 16, from 17:00 until approximately 20:00 (5 pm to 8 pm) in the LFW building. The location of the building is indicated in the map below (Universitätsstrasse 2). A poster board will indicate the entrance.
Scientific Program (June 17 - 20, 2019)
The venue of the scientific presentations and the exhibition is located in ETH Main Building. The registration desk is placed directly in the entrance area. The location of the building is also indicated in the map below (Rämistrasse 101).

ISFRS 2019: Keynote Speakers
Christoph Denkel (Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland): Food 4D: Adjusting functional properties by three-dimensional structuring
Allan Foegeding (North Carolina State University, USA): Perception of food structure during oral processing: How material properties translate into texture perception
Randy Ewoldt (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA): Design of yield stress fluids
Antonio Delgado (Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany): oam flows: A mesoscale system par excellence
Natalie Germann (TU Munich, Germany): The mystery of bread kneading
Anne-Marie Hermansson (Chalmers University, Sweden): Microstructure design: A key for processing of food systems
Marianne Liebi (Chalmers University, Sweden): SAXS imaging for the characterization of soft-matter
Peter Lillford (UK): Global challenges and the critical needs of food science and technology
Nadina Müller-Fischer (ZHAW Wädenswil, Switzerland): Understanding rice structure as the key to new processing solutions
Alejandro Marangoni (University of Guelph, Canada): Nanoscale engineering of fat crystal networks: Structure to rheology
Olivier Pouliquen (Aix Marseille Université, France): When grains flow: The rheology of particulate systems
Patrick Rühs (University of California Berkeley, USA): Functional bacterial biofilms at interfaces
Vivek Sharma (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA): Molecular and macromolecular engineering of foams: Drainage kinetics and rheology
Erik van der Linden (Wageningen University, The Netherlands): Fibrillar structures in mixed systems
Erich J. Windhab (ETH Zurich, Switzerland): Physiology guided food structure and process design for tailored rheology and functionality
Bettina Wolf (University of Birmingham, UK): Hydrocolloid-based food design considering interaction with saliva
ISFRS 2019: Symposium Program
Rheology and Structure Analysis: Rheological Methods · Rheo-SANS and SAXS, Tomography · 3D Printing of Food · Tribology
Food Materials and Characteristics: Dough · Biopolymer Solutions and Gels · Colloidal Dispersions · Emulsions, Foams and Interfaces · Meat Analouges
Food Processing: Influence of Processing on Structure and Rheology · Physiological-guided rheology
ISFRS 2019: Important Dates
Call for Papers: Abstract submission from December 2018 to February 15, 2019 (April 12, 2019 for poster presentations)
Talk or Poster: Decision of the Scientific Committee on Saturday, March 11, 2019
Early bird registration: Until April 30, 2019
ISFRS 2019: Registration
Delegates: Until April 30, 2019: Euro 800 (after April 30, 2019: Euro 850)
Students/Graduates: Until April 30, 2019: Euro 300 (after April 30, 2019: Euro 350)
Accompanying Persons: Euro 200
For registration and payment please use the following external page link.
The Delegates and Students/Graduates registration covers attendance at the technical sessions, the Conference Proceedings, the conference banquet, lunch, and coffee breaks. The registration for Accompanying Persons covers the conference banquet and coffee breaks. Accommodation is not included in the registration fee. In the case of cancellation, an amount of Euro 300,– (no reimbursement for students registration) will be retained before reimbursement. There will be no refunds after May 1, 2019.
ISFRS: Download or Purchase Proceedings, Access Journal Manuscripts, Picture Gallery
Download Proceedings and Abstracts: The Book of Abstracts of the 2015 and 2012 symposium and the Proceedings of the 2009, 2006, 2003, and 2000 symposium are available as books and as downloads in the Proceedings archive. A selection of 2006 contributions can also be found in Applied Rheology: external page Volume 16 (2006), Issue 5, Pages 242-286.
Purchasing the printed Abstract Book/Proceedings: The 2015 and 2012 Book of Abstracts are 50 CHF/Euro including Handling & Shipping. The 2009, 2006, 2003, and 2000 Proceedings are 70 CHF/Euro including Handling & Shipping. For ordering the books please contact us via .
Picture Gallery (update 30.9.2009): The picture gallery includes now a selection of pictures taken during ISFRS 2009. Have fun!
Other meetings of interest
ISOPOW 14, August 24-28, 2019 in Dijon/France (external page http://www.isopow14.com/)
International Congress on Engineering and Food: external page 13th International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF13), September 23-26, 2019, Melbourne/Austrlia.
5th International Conference on Food Structures, Digestion and Health: 30 September - 3 October 2019, Rotorua, New Zealand (external page http://www.fsdh2019.org)
Food Colloids 2020: "18th Food Colloids Conference", April 19-22, 2020 in Lund/Sweden
Public outreach of EIT Food during ISFRS 2019
During ISFRS 2019 a special session on meat analogues is devoted to the public outreach on the EIT Food project "Tasty Texture: Tailored fibre/protein-rich vegetarian Health Power food & novel extrusion technology platform".